4121 SW 85th Ave
Miami, Fl 33155
Tel.: 305.267.9061
Send your donation
directly to:
Apostolate of Divine Mercy
P.O. Box 140399
Coral Gables, FL 33114-0399

Help us build it!
Our Mission
Our motto is “To Be Messengers of Divine Mercy – To Spread the Devotion and its message – To Perform Deeds of Mercy Always and Everywhere”
The Apostolate of Divine Mercy is dedicated to the propagation of the message of merciful Jesus. The essence of the message is our trust in God and our deeds of mercy. The apostles of Divine Mercy are committed to follow and be faithful to the call of “Jesus, I trust in you!” and to perform a deed of mercy every day. Our House of Prayer is a heaven of peace where many visiting pilgrims find calm, consolation and strength in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament in our Chapel.
Our mission is carried out through our deeds of mercy and the activities we celebrate in our House of Prayer and those throughout the archdiocese in conferences, retreats and workshops. We also publish a monthly bulletin and air 24/7 radio programs in Spanish on Internet Radio Divina Misericordia Miami. The Apostolate also promotes the creation of prayer groups and offers a formation program to further develop our understanding of the message and our growth in the spirituality of Saint Faustina. This formation program is offered by FAUSTINUM, International Association of Divine Mercy Apostles, directed from the Sanctuary of Divine Mercy in Lagiewniki, Krakow, Poland.
We have been very closely associated with the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy, St. Faustina’s congregation, and have taken upon ourselves to collaborate with them in the spreading of the devotion and its message, especially through the Faustinum. We began our preparation and, eventually, taught the first year of formation back in 2007 and today we are teaching all four years of formation.
As part of our commitment to the formation and spirituality of Saint Faustina's message, we, the Apostolate of Divine Mercy in South Florida, are working with our community to build The Divine Mercy Spirituality Center.
The construction project will be completed in multiple phases. It is in this Holy Year of Mercy that, God willing, we will begin building the first phase of construction of the Center – the Convent for the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy; followed by the second phase – the Divine Mercy Sanctuary with additional office space, meditational garden and parking facilities and; the third phase - the Retreat House. Three Sisters will join us as soon as the Convent is ready for occupancy.
Through all these years, our community in Miami has helped us with donations to buy the Sanctuary grounds where we are located. We presently work from our House of Prayer founded in 2005, and moved in 2014 to an already existing home in our grounds which, incidentally, are fully paid. All the design of the project has been completed and the construction drawings have been submitted to the proper authorities for the issuance of the corresponding building permits.
We are now engaged in raising the construction funds that will enable us to build all three phases of the project. We have prepared a business plan and a presentation to show, not only the feasibility of constructing the Divine Mercy Spirituality Center, but the ongoing management and development operations; and, mostly more important, the ongoing presence and sustainability of the Sisters for years to come.
Pastorally and spiritually serves a multicultural and multiethnic community and is a great bridge of communications between the United States and its neighbors in Latin America. The Divine Mercy Spirituality Center, built in Miami, will enhance our mission and will make it more effective and fruitful.